A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V 


AbstractConfig - Class in org.perfidix
Configuration for Benchmark.
AbstractConfig(int, Set<AbstractMeter>, Set<AbstractOutput>, KindOfArrangement, double) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Simple constructor.
AbstractConfig.StandardConfig - Class in org.perfidix
Standard config.
AbstractConfig.StandardConfig() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig.StandardConfig
AbstractMeter - Class in org.perfidix.meter
For benchmarking in a widen sense, several different meters should be implemented.
AbstractMeter() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.AbstractMeter
AbstractMethodArrangement - Class in org.perfidix.element
This method defines an order for the execution of all methods.
AbstractMethodArrangement(List<BenchmarkElement>) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.element.AbstractMethodArrangement
Constructor which takes all benchmarkable methods.
AbstractOutput - Class in org.perfidix.ouput
The ResultVisitor is able to visit and view the results.
AbstractOutput() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.AbstractOutput
AbstractPerfidixMethodException - Exception in org.perfidix.exceptions
This class acts as a super exception for all exception thrown by the Perfidix framework while invoking methods.
AbstractPerfidixMethodException(Throwable, Method, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for exception org.perfidix.exceptions.AbstractPerfidixMethodException
Simple Constructor.
AbstractResult - Class in org.perfidix.result
Results which are generated through the benchmark are stored in the inherted implementation of this class.
AbstractResult(Object) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Constructor with a given name.
AbstractResultContainer<ResultType extends AbstractResult> - Class in org.perfidix.result
The result container contains more results.
AbstractResultContainer(Object) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResultContainer
AbstractTabularComponent - Class in org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable
This abstract class represents all drawable items in this NiceTable.
AbstractTabularComponent(NiceTable) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.AbstractTabularComponent
AbstractTabularComponent.Alignment - Enum in org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable
Alignment in the cells.
add(Class<?>) - Method in class org.perfidix.Benchmark
Adding a class to bench to this benchmark.
add(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.Benchmark
Adding a already instantiated objects to benchmark.
add(T[], T) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Adds an entry to the end of an array and returns the new array.
add(int[], int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Adds an entry to the end of an array and returns the new array.
add(int[]) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntArrayList
Adds an element.
add(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Adds an entry to the array.
addData(AbstractMeter, double) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Adding a data to a meter.
addData(Method, AbstractMeter, double) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.BenchmarkResult
Adding a dataset to a given meter and adapting the underlaying result model.
addException(AbstractPerfidixMethodException) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.BenchmarkResult
Adding an exception to this result.
addHeader(String) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
Adds a header.
addHeader(String, char, AbstractTabularComponent.Alignment) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
Adds a header row to the table.
addLine(char) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
allows the addition of lines.
addRow(String[]) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
Adds a string row.
AfterBenchClass - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
Marks a single-executed tearDown for every class which contains a bench-method.
AfterEachRun - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
Marks a tearDown-like behaviour for each run of each method.
AfterLastRun - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
Marks a general tearDown for each method for all runs.
ARRAN - Static variable in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Standard arrangement
arrangeList(List<BenchmarkElement>) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.AbstractMethodArrangement
Method to arrange benchmarkable methods in different orders.
arrangeList(List<BenchmarkElement>) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.NoMethodArrangement
Not arranging the list in this case.
arrangeList(List<BenchmarkElement>) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.SequentialMethodArrangement
Method to arrange benchmarkable methods in different orders.
arrangeList(List<BenchmarkElement>) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.ShuffleMethodArrangement
Method to arrange benchmarkable methods in different orders.
Array - Class in org.perfidix.example.list
This class provides convenience methods for handling arrays and serves as an extension to the Arrays class of Java.
arrayListAdd() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
bench for adding data to the [@link ArrayList]
arrayListGet() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
benchmark for retrieving an element at a specified index


BeforeBenchClass - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
Marks a single-executed setUp for every class which contains a bench-method.
BeforeEachRun - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
Marks a setup for each run of a method.
BeforeFirstRun - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
Marks a general setUp for each method for all runs.
Bench - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
This Annotation marks a simple bench.
benchArrayDequePush() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
benchArrayDequeStackPop() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
Bench for popping the data from the ArrayDeque.
BenchClass - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
This Annotation marks a simple bench.
benchFastIntPush() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
Bench for pushing the data to the FastIntStack.
benchFastIntStackPop() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
Bench for popping the data from the FastIntStack.
Benchmark - Class in org.perfidix
Class to hold all classes which want to be benchmarked.
Benchmark(AbstractConfig) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.Benchmark
Constructor with a fixed set of used meters.
Benchmark() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.Benchmark
Convience constructor using the AbstractConfig.StandardConfig
BenchmarkConfig - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
Annotation for Configuration Files for a Perfidix-Benchmark
BenchmarkElement - Class in org.perfidix.element
This class acts as a container related to one benchmarkable method.
BenchmarkElement(BenchmarkMethod) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkElement
Constructor, simple taking the corresponding BenchmarkMethod.
BenchmarkExecutor - Class in org.perfidix.element
Corresponding to each method, an executor is launched to execute BeforeFirstRun, BeforeEachRun, AfterEachRun and AfterLastRun classes.
BenchmarkMethod - Class in org.perfidix.element
Class to mark one method which are possible benchmarkable.
BenchmarkMethod(Method) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
Constructor, with a definite method to bench.
BenchmarkResult - Class in org.perfidix.result
This class holds the data of a complete Benchmark.
BenchmarkResult(AbstractOutput...) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.result.BenchmarkResult
benchNormalIntPop() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
Bench for popping the data from the Stack.
benchNormalIntPush() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
Bench for pushing the data to the Stack.
BORDER - Static variable in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.AbstractTabularComponent
Border symbol, can be changed in the runtime.


CAP - Static variable in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Initial hash capacity.
checkMethod(Object, Class<? extends Annotation>, Method...) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkExecutor
Checking a method if it is reflective executable and if the mapping to the object fits.
ClassResult - Class in org.perfidix.result
This class holds all results related to a benchmarked class.
ClassResult(Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.result.ClassResult
clear() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.FastIntStack
Reset the stack.
combine(String...) - Static method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Util
Combines an unknown number of Strings to one String.
Config - Class in org.perfidix.example
Public class to represent the settings for this benchmark.
Config() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.Config
Public constructor.
contains(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Checks if the specified element is found in the list.
containsNewlines(String) - Static method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Util
Tells us whether the string contains newlines.
copyOf(byte[][], int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Copies the specified array.
copyOf(int[][], int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Copies the specified array.
copyOf(String[], int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Copies the specified array.
CountingMeter - Class in org.perfidix.meter
Simple meter to count given ticks.
CountingMeter() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
Constructor, generates a simple CountingMeter.
CountingMeter(String) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
Constructor with a given name.
CountingMeter(String, String) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
Constructor with a given name and a given unit.
CountingMeter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
Constructor with a given name and a given unit and a given unit description.
createMatrix(String[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Util
Creates a matrix according to the number of new lines given into the method.
CSVOutput - Class in org.perfidix.ouput
Getting out the raw-data as csv.
CSVOutput(File) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.CSVOutput
Constructor for piping the result to elsewhere.
CSVOutput() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.CSVOutput
Constructor for output to System.out.


delete(T[], int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Removes an array entry at the specified position.
delete(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Deletes the specified element.
draw() - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.AbstractTabularComponent
Drawing this item.
draw() - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.DynamicLine
Drawing this item.
draw() - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Header
Drawing this item.
draw() - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Row
Drawing this item.
DynamicLine - Class in org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable
A dynamic, extensible line.
DynamicLine(char, NiceTable) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.DynamicLine


ElementList - Class in org.perfidix.example.list
This is an abstract class for storing elements of any kind in an array-based list.
ElementList() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Default constructor.
elements - Variable in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResultContainer
Map of all elements with the Mapping Method/Class -> ResultType.
empty() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Tests is the container has no elements.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkElement
equals(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
equals(Object) - Method in exception org.perfidix.exceptions.AbstractPerfidixMethodException
equals(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.AbstractMeter
equals(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
equals(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.FileMeter
equals(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.MemMeter
equals(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.ThreadMeter
equals(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.TimeMeter
executeAfterMethods(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkExecutor
Executing the AfterLastRun-annotated methods (if still wasn't) and the AfterEachRun methods.
executeBeforeMethods(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkExecutor
Executing the BeforeFirstRun-annotated methods (if still wasn't) and the BeforeEachRun methods.
executeBench(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkExecutor
Execution of bench method.


factor - Variable in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Resize factor for extending the arrays.
FastIntStack - Class in org.perfidix.example.stack
FastIntStack() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.stack.FastIntStack
FileMeter - Class in org.perfidix.meter
File meter for measuring the size of a file or directory registered beforehand.
FileMeter(File, Memory) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.FileMeter
findAfterEachRun() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
Method to find a AfterEachRun annotation.
findAfterLastRun() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
Method to find a AfterLastRun annotation.
findAndCheckAnyMethodByAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
This class finds any method with a given annotation.
findBeforeEachRun() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
Method to find a BeforeEachRun annotation.
findBeforeFirstRun() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
Method to find a BeforeFirstRun annotation.
finished() - Method in interface org.perfidix.socketadapter.IUpdater
This method notifies the view that all benches have been executed and the bench progress is finished.
finished() - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewProgressUpdater
This method notifies the view that all benches have been executed and the bench progress is finished.
finishedBenchRuns() - Method in interface org.perfidix.socketadapter.IBenchRunSessionListener
This method notifies the view that all bench runs completed.
finishedBenchRuns() - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewStub
This method notifies the view that all bench runs completed.
FLOATFORMAT - Static variable in class org.perfidix.ouput.AbstractOutput
Constant to offer one fix format to display double-variables.
format(double) - Static method in class org.perfidix.ouput.AbstractOutput
Formats a double.


GARBAGE_PROB - Static variable in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Standard gc-prob
generateData() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
Generating the data, just once per runtime.
generateData() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
Generating the data, just once per runtime.
get(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntArrayList
Returns the element at the specified index.
get(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Returns the element at the specified index position.
get(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.FastIntStack
Get element at given position in stack.
getArrangement() - Method in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Getter for member arrangement
getBenchmarkElements() - Method in class org.perfidix.Benchmark
Getting all benchmarkable objects out of the registered classes with the annotated number of runs.
getBenchmarkMethods() - Method in class org.perfidix.Benchmark
Getting all Benchmarkable methods out of the registered class.
getColumnWidth(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
Returns the global column width at index columnIndex.
getConf05(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Computes the confidence 05 interval-factor.
getConf95(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Computes the confidence 95 interval-factor.
getConfiguration(String[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.Perfidix
Getting a configuration out of the class-files.
getElementName() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Returns the name of the related element where these results belong to.
getElementName() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.BenchmarkResult
Returns the name of the related element where these results belong to.
getElementName() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.ClassResult
Returns the name of the related element where these results belong to.
getElementName() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.MethodResult
Returns the name of the related element where these results belong to.
getExc() - Method in exception org.perfidix.exceptions.SocketViewException
Returns the occurred exception.
getExceptions() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.BenchmarkResult
Getter for member exceptions.
getExec() - Method in exception org.perfidix.exceptions.AbstractPerfidixMethodException
Getter for the encapsulated Exception.
getExecutor(BenchmarkElement) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkExecutor
Getting the executor corresponding to a BenchmarkElement.
getGcProb() - Method in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Getter for member gcProb
getId() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkElement
Getter for the elementId.
getIncludedResults() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResultContainer
Getting all elements which are included in this result.
getListener() - Method in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Getter for member listeners
getMeters() - Method in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Getter for member meters
getMeth() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkElement
Getting the BenchmarkMethod related to this element.
getMethod() - Method in exception org.perfidix.exceptions.AbstractPerfidixMethodException
Getter for the related Method.
getMethodArrangement(List<BenchmarkElement>, KindOfArrangement) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.AbstractMethodArrangement
Factory method to get the method arrangement for a given set of classes.
getMethodToBench() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
Simple getter for encapsulated method.
getMethodWithClassName() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
This method returns the fully qualified name consisting of its own name and its class name
getName() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.AbstractMeter
A short name of the meter.
getName() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
Getting the name of this CountingMeter.
getName() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.FileMeter
A short name of the meter.
getName() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.MemMeter
A short name of the meter.
getName() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.ThreadMeter
A short name of the meter.
getName() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.TimeMeter
A short name of the meter.
getNumberOfAnnotatedRuns(Method) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
Getting the number of runs corresponding to a given method.
getNumberOfBytes() - Method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Memory
Getting the number of bytes.
getNumberOfMethodsAndRuns() - Method in class org.perfidix.Benchmark
Getting the number of all methods and all runs
getNumberOfMilliSeconds() - Method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Time
Getting the number of milli seconds.
getNumberOfResult(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Returning the number of results for one specific meter.
getOrientation(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
Returns the orientation of a column.
getRegisteredMeters() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Getting all meters registered in this result.
getRelatedAnno() - Method in exception org.perfidix.exceptions.AbstractPerfidixMethodException
Getter for annotation.
getRelatedElement() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Getter for the related element where this container corresponds to.
getResultForObject(Object) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResultContainer
Getting the results for one object.
getResultSet(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
an array of all data items in the structure.
getRowWidth() - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Row
Returns the row's total width.
getRuns() - Method in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Getter for member runs
getStandardDeviation(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Computes the standard deviation.
getTable() - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.AbstractTabularComponent
Getter for member table.
getTotalWidth() - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
Returns the total width of the table.
getUnit() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.AbstractMeter
Returns the unit in which this measure taker computes its results.
getUnit() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
Getting the name of this CountingMeter.
getUnit() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.FileMeter
Returns the unit in which this measure taker computes its results.
getUnit() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.MemMeter
Returns the unit in which this measure taker computes its results.
getUnit() - Method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Memory
Getting the unit.
getUnit() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.ThreadMeter
Returns the unit in which this measure taker computes its results.
getUnit() - Method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Time
Getting the unit.
getUnit() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.TimeMeter
Returns the unit in which this measure taker computes its results.
getUnitDescription() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.AbstractMeter
The long description of the unit.
getUnitDescription() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
Getting the description of this CountingMeter.
getUnitDescription() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.FileMeter
The long description of the unit.
getUnitDescription() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.MemMeter
The long description of the unit.
getUnitDescription() - Method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Memory
Getting the full unitname.
getUnitDescription() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.ThreadMeter
The long description of the unit.
getUnitDescription() - Method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Time
Getting the full unitname.
getUnitDescription() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.TimeMeter
The long description of the unit.
getValue() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.AbstractMeter
Getting the current value for this meter.
getValue() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
Getting the value of this CountingMeter.
getValue() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.FileMeter
Getting the current value for this meter.
getValue() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.MemMeter
Getting the current value for this meter.
getValue() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.ThreadMeter
Getting the current value for this meter.
getValue() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.TimeMeter
Getting the current value for this meter.


hashCode() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkElement
hashCode() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
hashCode() - Method in exception org.perfidix.exceptions.AbstractPerfidixMethodException
hashCode() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.AbstractMeter
hashCode() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
hashCode() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.FileMeter
hashCode() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.MemMeter
hashCode() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.ThreadMeter
hashCode() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.TimeMeter
Header - Class in org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable
Header(String, char, AbstractTabularComponent.Alignment, NiceTable) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Header


IBenchRunSessionListener - Interface in org.perfidix.socketadapter
This interface specifies the methods which have to update the eclipse view when a given event occurs.
implode(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Util
Concantenate a String array "what" with glue "glue".
initialize(AbstractConfig, BenchmarkResult) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkExecutor
Initializing the executor.
initProgressView(Map<BenchmarkMethod, Integer>) - Method in interface org.perfidix.socketadapter.IUpdater
This method initializes the values of the eclipse view and resets the progress bar.
initProgressView(Map<BenchmarkMethod, Integer>) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewProgressUpdater
This method initializes the values of the eclipse view and resets the progress bar.
initTotalBenchProgress(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in interface org.perfidix.socketadapter.IBenchRunSessionListener
The initTotalBenchProgress initializes the progress bar in the eclipse view.
initTotalBenchProgress(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewStub
The initTotalBenchProgress initializes the progress bar in the eclipse view.
insert(int, int[]) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Inserts elements at the specified index position.
IntArrayList - Class in org.perfidix.example.list
This is a simple container for native integer arrays.
IntArrayList() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.list.IntArrayList
Default constructor.
IntArrayList(int) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.list.IntArrayList
Constructor, specifying an initial array capacity.
intArrayListAdd() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
Bench for adding the data to the IntArrayList.
intArrayListGet() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
bench for retrieving an element at a specified index
IntList - Class in org.perfidix.example.list
This is a simple container for native integers.
IntList() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Default constructor.
IntList(int) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Constructor, specifying an initial array capacity.
IntList(double) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
IntList(int[]) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Constructor, specifying an initial array.
invokeMethod(Object, Class<? extends Annotation>, Method...) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkExecutor
Method to invoke a reflective invokable method.
isBenchmarkable(Method) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
This method should act as a check to guarantee that only specific Benchmarkables are used for benching.
isReflectedExecutable(Method, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
Checks if this method is executable via reflection for perfidix purposes.
iterator() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.AbstractMethodArrangement
iterator() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntArrayList
IUpdater - Interface in org.perfidix.socketadapter
This class creates the connection to the eclipse view via SocketViewStub.


KindOfArrangement - Enum in org.perfidix.element


list - Variable in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Element container.
ListBenchmark - Class in org.perfidix.example.list
This benchmark benches [@link IntArrayList], [@link java.util.ArrayList] and [@link java.util.Vector]
ListBenchmark() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
LISTENERS - Static variable in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Standard listeners
listenToException(AbstractPerfidixMethodException) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.AbstractOutput
Listening to an arised exception.
listenToException(AbstractPerfidixMethodException) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.CSVOutput
Listening to an arised exception.
listenToException(AbstractPerfidixMethodException) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.TabularSummaryOutput
Listening to an arised exception.
listenToException(AbstractPerfidixMethodException) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketListener
Listening to an arised exception.
listenToResultSet(Method, AbstractMeter, double) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.AbstractOutput
Listening to a resultset and handling the data.
listenToResultSet(Method, AbstractMeter, double) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.CSVOutput
Listening to a resultset and handling the data.
listenToResultSet(Method, AbstractMeter, double) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.TabularSummaryOutput
Listening to a resultset and handling the data.
listenToResultSet(Method, AbstractMeter, double) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketListener
Listening to a resultset and handling the data.


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
Simple setUp of a benchmark.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
Simple setUp of a benchmark.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.Perfidix
Main method for invoking benchs with classes as strings.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketAdapter
Main method for invoking benchs with classes as strings.
max(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Computes the maximum.
mean(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Returns the arithmetic mean of the result set.
MemMeter - Class in org.perfidix.meter
Meter to bench the amount of memory used by the current Benchmark.
MemMeter(Memory) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.MemMeter
Memory - Enum in org.perfidix.meter
Small enum to store the different kinds of memories.
METERS - Static variable in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Standard meters
MethodResult - Class in org.perfidix.result
Class to hold the result related to one method.
MethodResult(Method) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.result.MethodResult
Simple Constructor.
min(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Computes the minimum.
move(Object, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Moves entries inside an array.
move(int, int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Adds a difference to all elements starting from the specified index.


NEWLINE - Static variable in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.AbstractTabularComponent
Constant for the newline-symbol.
newSize(int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Returns a value for a new array size, which will always be larger than the specified value.
newSize(int, double) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Returns a value for a new array size, which will always be larger than the specified value.
newSize() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Returns a new array size.
newSize(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Returns a new array size that is larger than or equal to the specified size.
NiceTable - Class in org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable
This class represents a table which allows formatting of data as an ascii table.
NiceTable(int) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
NoMethodArrangement - Class in org.perfidix.element
This class does no arrangement for methods.
NoMethodArrangement(List<BenchmarkElement>) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.element.NoMethodArrangement
Constructor for no arrangement.
NONE_RUN - Static variable in annotation type org.perfidix.annotation.Bench
Constant for NONE_RUN_Counter


org.perfidix - package org.perfidix
* This is the main package which has Benchmark as the main component of the framework and Perfidix as an external starting point.
org.perfidix.annotation - package org.perfidix.annotation
This package contains all annotations needed for benchmarking classes with the help of perfidix.
org.perfidix.element - package org.perfidix.element
* Related classes to handle the methods to be executed are located in this package as well as the invoking framework and the different kinds of arrangement for the execution of the benchmarkable methods.
org.perfidix.example - package org.perfidix.example
* Simple example how perfidix can be used.
org.perfidix.example.list - package org.perfidix.example.list
org.perfidix.example.stack - package org.perfidix.example.stack
org.perfidix.exceptions - package org.perfidix.exceptions
org.perfidix.meter - package org.perfidix.meter
* All meters which are used by perfidix are located in this package.
org.perfidix.ouput - package org.perfidix.ouput
* The different kinds of outputs are located in this package.
org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable - package org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable
This package offers classes which are used for an ascii-based tabluar output.
org.perfidix.result - package org.perfidix.result
The results are stored in a datastructure based in the classes in this package.
org.perfidix.socketadapter - package org.perfidix.socketadapter
This class offers all possibilties to hand on a Perclipse Plugin.


pad(String, char, int, AbstractTabularComponent.Alignment) - Static method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Util
This method fills one char either on the right site of a given string or on the left site or on both sites.
peek() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Returns the uppermost element from the stack.
peek() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.FastIntStack
Get the element on top of the stack.
Perfidix - Class in org.perfidix
This is the main class, consisting of all the factory methods needed in order to perform a benchmark run.
PerfidixMethodCheckException - Exception in org.perfidix.exceptions
This class acts as container for all Exception types thrown while checking if a method is reflective executable via the Perfidix framework.
PerfidixMethodCheckException(Throwable, Method, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for exception org.perfidix.exceptions.PerfidixMethodCheckException
PerfidixMethodInvocationException - Exception in org.perfidix.exceptions
This class acts as container for all Exception types thrown while invoking a method which is reflective executable via the Perfidix framework.
PerfidixMethodInvocationException(Throwable, Method, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for exception org.perfidix.exceptions.PerfidixMethodInvocationException
PerfidixMethodInvocationException(Throwable, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Constructor for exception org.perfidix.exceptions.PerfidixMethodInvocationException
pop() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Pops the uppermost element from the stack.
pop() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.FastIntStack
Remove topmost element from stack.
push(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Pushes an element onto the stack.
push(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.FastIntStack
Place new element on top of stack.


registerClasses(String...) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketAdapter
Registering all classes and getting a mapping with the Methods and the corresponding overall runs
repeat(String, int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Util
a str_repeat function.
reset() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Resets the array size.
RESIZE - Static variable in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Default factor for resizing dynamic arrays.
reverse(byte[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Reverses the order of the elements in the given array.
reverse(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Reverses the order of all elements in the given interval.
reverse(Object[], int, int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Reverses the order of all elements in the given interval.
Row - Class in org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable
A table's row contains the data, keeps a reference to its parent and computes its own width.
Row(NiceTable, String[]) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.Row
run() - Method in class org.perfidix.Benchmark
Running this benchmark
runBenchmark() - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketAdapter
This method starts the bench progress with the registered classes.
runBenchs(String[]) - Static method in class org.perfidix.Perfidix
Running one Benchmark.
RUNS - Static variable in class org.perfidix.AbstractConfig
Standard runs


SequentialMethodArrangement - Class in org.perfidix.element
This class represents an arrangement where each method is executed after another.
SequentialMethodArrangement(List<BenchmarkElement>) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.element.SequentialMethodArrangement
Simple Constructor-
set(int, int[]) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntArrayList
Sets an element at the specified index.
set(int, int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Sets an element at the specified index position.
setUpBenchmark(String[], Benchmark) - Static method in class org.perfidix.Perfidix
Setting up an existing benchmark with the given number of class-files
ShuffleMethodArrangement - Class in org.perfidix.element
This class represents a shuffle random arrangement of elements.
ShuffleMethodArrangement(List<BenchmarkElement>) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.element.ShuffleMethodArrangement
Constructor for shuffle arrangement.
size - Variable in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Number of elements.
size() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Returns the number of elements.
size(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ElementList
Sets the number of elements to the specified value.
size() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.stack.FastIntStack
Get the current stackSize of the stack.
SkipBench - Annotation Type in org.perfidix.annotation
Marks a method that it is not used for a bench, no matter if a Bench oder a BenchClass annotation is present.
SocketAdapter - Class in org.perfidix.socketadapter
The SocketAdapter is the main-class for registration of the classes that will be benched and creation of the socket stub to the ide view.
SocketAdapter(IUpdater, String...) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketAdapter
public constructor.
SocketListener - Class in org.perfidix.socketadapter
Listener for Perclipse
SocketListener(IUpdater) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketListener
Constructor with the port for initalising the connection to the view.
SocketViewException - Exception in org.perfidix.exceptions
Exception type for communicating with the socket.
SocketViewException(IOException) - Constructor for exception org.perfidix.exceptions.SocketViewException
SocketViewProgressUpdater - Class in org.perfidix.socketadapter
This class creates the connection to the eclipse view via SocketViewStub.
SocketViewProgressUpdater(String, int) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewProgressUpdater
The constructor initializes the host and port for creation a client socket.
SocketViewStub - Class in org.perfidix.socketadapter
This class creates the connection to the eclipse view, which depict the current progress of the operation.
SocketViewStub(String, int) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewStub
The constructor initializes the given host name and the port, which are needed for creating a client socket.
sort() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Sorts the data.
sortedIndexOf(int) - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Searches the specified element via binary search.
SPACE - Static variable in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.AbstractTabularComponent
Constant for the space between data and border.
squareSum(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Computes the square sum of the elements.
StackBenchmark - Class in org.perfidix.example.stack
Benching FastIntStack against Stack.
StackBenchmark() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.example.stack.StackBenchmark
sum(AbstractMeter) - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
Computes the sum over all data items.
swap(int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Swaps two entries of the given int array.
swap(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class org.perfidix.example.list.Array
Swaps arr[a ..


TabularSummaryOutput - Class in org.perfidix.ouput
Summary output using the NiceTable to format.
TabularSummaryOutput(PrintStream) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.TabularSummaryOutput
Constructor for piping the result to elsewhere.
TabularSummaryOutput() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.ouput.TabularSummaryOutput
Constructor, just giving out on the System.out.
ThreadMeter - Class in org.perfidix.meter
This class measures the number of threads in the runtime.
ThreadMeter() - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.ThreadMeter
ThreadMeter(ThreadGroup) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.ThreadMeter
tick() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.CountingMeter
The meter is ticking one forward.
Time - Enum in org.perfidix.meter
Small enum to store different times.
TimeMeter - Class in org.perfidix.meter
Meter to bench the amount of time used by the current Benchmark.
TimeMeter(Time) - Constructor for class org.perfidix.meter.TimeMeter
Constructor which is in need of a given time.
toArray() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.IntList
Returns an array with all elements.
toString() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkElement
toString() - Method in class org.perfidix.element.BenchmarkMethod
toString() - Method in exception org.perfidix.exceptions.AbstractPerfidixMethodException
toString() - Method in class org.perfidix.meter.AbstractMeter
The String representation of this meter with its current value.
toString() - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
the main method doing the work.
toString() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.AbstractResult
toString() - Method in class org.perfidix.result.BenchmarkResult


updateColumnWidth(int, int) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.NiceTable
Performs an update on the column lengths.
updateCurrentElement(AbstractMeter, String) - Method in interface org.perfidix.socketadapter.IUpdater
This method notifies the eclipse view which element is currently benched.
updateCurrentElement(AbstractMeter, String) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewProgressUpdater
This method notifies the eclipse view which element is currently benched.
updateCurrentRun(String) - Method in interface org.perfidix.socketadapter.IBenchRunSessionListener
The updateCurrentRun method notifies the view which element is currently running.
updateCurrentRun(String) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewStub
The updateCurrentRun method notifies the view which element is currently running.
updateError(String, String) - Method in interface org.perfidix.socketadapter.IBenchRunSessionListener
The updateError method updates the view that an error occurred while benching the given java element.
updateError(String, String) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewStub
The updateError method updates the view that an error occurred while benching the given java element.
updateErrorInElement(String, Exception) - Method in interface org.perfidix.socketadapter.IUpdater
This method informs the view that an error occurred while benching the current element.
updateErrorInElement(String, Exception) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketViewProgressUpdater
This method informs the view that an error occurred while benching the current element.
Util - Class in org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable
Utilities for the ascii table.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.perfidix.element.KindOfArrangement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Memory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Time
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.AbstractTabularComponent.Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.perfidix.element.KindOfArrangement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Memory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.perfidix.meter.Time
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.perfidix.ouput.asciitable.AbstractTabularComponent.Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vectorAdd() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
benchmark for adding data to [@link java.util.Vector]
vectorGet() - Method in class org.perfidix.example.list.ListBenchmark
benchmark for retrieving an element at a specified index
visitBenchmark(BenchmarkResult) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.AbstractOutput
Visiting the BenchmarkResult and do something with the result.
visitBenchmark(BenchmarkResult) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.CSVOutput
Visiting the BenchmarkResult and do something with the result.
visitBenchmark(BenchmarkResult) - Method in class org.perfidix.ouput.TabularSummaryOutput
Visiting the BenchmarkResult and do something with the result.
visitBenchmark(BenchmarkResult) - Method in class org.perfidix.socketadapter.SocketListener
Visiting the BenchmarkResult and do something with the result.
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